Computer Graphics Seminar

CS 718
Mondays, 3:45 - 4:45 pm
5126 Upson Hall

This is the fifth semester of computer graphics seminar. We encourage students to make presentations that could include:

Schedule for Fall 2004

September 6 Requirements and Design of a Production Renderer
Fabio Pellacini
September 13 Texture Synthesis Survey
Ganesh Ramanarayanan
September 20 Point-based rendering
Milos Hasan
September 27 BRDF Factorization
Andy Scukanec
October 4 Perspective
Jeremiah Fairbank
October 11 Fall Break. No seminar.
October 18 Many Lights
October 25 Rendering Human Hair
Jon Moon
November 1 No seminar.
November 8 TBA
Piti Irawan
November 15 Graph-cuts and graphics applications
Ramin Zabih and Ganesh Ramanarayanan
November 22 Facial Animation
Jacky Bibliowicz
November 29

Previous semesters:

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