CS 665
Advanced Interactive Rendering
Cornell University Computer Science Department, Fall '03


This course teaches fundamental principles and techniques for interactive rendering. We describe a wide variety of advanced rendering techniques including classic global illumination algorithms, Monte Carlo rendering, the modern graphics hardware and associated rendering techniques, shadow algorithms, techniques for handling scene complexity, perception for rendering, and acceleration structures. We also discuss more recent image-based rendering techniques including plenoptic rendering, 4D light fields, and image-based modeling. 

CS 417/418 is a pre-requisite. If you have not taken CS 417/418 but have taken its equivalent, you must get the permission of the instructor to register for CS 665.


  • Nov. 10: Exam will be held on Tuesday 11/18 at 7:30 pm in Hollister 206.
  • Oct. 22: Homework 3 is out. Check the FAQ for updates.
  • Sept. 28: Homework 2 is out. Check the FAQ for updates.
  • Sept. 24: Check the FAQ for updates on Homework 1. A new scene has been posted and an example image is also posted.
  • Sept. 17: Eugene's office hours have changed. He will hold them at Rhodes 596 on Wednesdays from 2:30-4:30.
  • Sept. 12: Homework 1 is out. Check the FAQ for updates.
  • Sept. 3: The class mailing list has been set up and a test message has been sent to this list. If you did not receive a test message and want to be on the class mailing list send Prof. Bala mail with your preferred email address for the mailing list. If you are on the list and want to be removed also send Prof. Bala email.
  • Sept. 2: Open GL resources have been added to the main page.


  • COMS 665 Advanced Rendering  4 Cr.
    • Location: 206 Hollister
    • Times: Tu,Th 10:10-11:25
    • Schedule
  • Instructor: Kavita Bala
    • Office: 5142 Upson
    • Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00-3:30
  • Teaching Assistant: Eugene Lee
    • Office: 596 Rhodes
    • Office Hours: Wednesday 2:30-4:30
  • Administrative Assistant: Cindy Robinson
    • Office: 4146 Upson

Text book

Good reference books are:

  • Advanced Global Illumination by Phil Dutre, Philippe Bekaert and Kavita Bala. ISBN: 1-56881-177-2

  • Real-time Rendering by Tomas Akenine-Moller and Eric Haines. ISBN: 1-56881-182-9
