CS 6644
Modeling the World

Instructor: Kavita Bala

Computer Science Department, Cornell University

Fall 2014


In recent years there has been an explosion of visual images and video content captured by novices and professionals alike, and shared on community photo collections. These images capture the rich range of shapes, materials and lighting in the world. In this course we will study how this content is being used to build comprehensive visual models of the world. We will cover image-based modeling, lighting and rendering algorithms; 3D reconstruction algorithms; and acquisition and capture of geometry, material, and lighting. These topics are subject to change.

There will be 2 assignments in the course, 1 in-depth paper presentation per person, and a final project. An introductory vision or graphics course is a pre-requisite for this course.



  • October 30th: Assignment 2 is out. The due date is Thursday, November 13th at 11:59pm.
  • September 18th: Assignment 1 is out. The due date is Tuesday, September 30th at 11:59pm.
  • September 7th: A list of papers is now live. Please begin thinking about what you'd like to present.


  • CS 6644 Modeling the World
    • Times: Tu, Th 2:55-4:10pm 
    • Location: 320 Hollister Hall
    • Schedule
  • Instructor: Kavita Bala
    • Office: 315 Gates
    • Office Hours: Tu 4:10-5:10 (and by appt)
  • Teaching Assistant: Scott Wehrwein
    • Office: 345 Gates
    • Office Hours: Th 1:30-2:45 (and by appointment)
  • Administrative Assistant: Randy Hess
    • Office: TBA Gates


Page maintained by Kavita Bala ([email protected])