Applied Programming Languages Research Group

The research group of Andrew Myers at Cornell's Department of Computer Science investigates constructive methods for building secure computer systems, and other ways to apply and extend programming languages to make computer systems more reliable and easier to build. We also maintain widely used free software such as the CIVS voting system and the Polyglot compiler framework.

One way to be a part of these efforts is to support our research group through a (tax-deductible!) donation. This is very easy to do using the form below. To ensure that your support comes directly to our research group rather than going to Cornell as a whole, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the link below to open the form. It should open in a new tab or window.
  2. Click on “What area(s) of Cornell would you like to support?...Click here to make your selection(s)”
  3. Check the box for “Other – Cornell” in the window that pops up, and click Continue to close the window.
  4. You should now see a box labeled “Amount”. Enter a dollar amount (must be at least $5).
  5. Enter or paste the following text in the text box labeled “If you've selected an 'Other' option, please specify here”:
  6. Click Continue and fill out the rest of the form to complete the process. Thank you!
Click here to get started. The instructions will remain open in the original tab. Thanks!